Smart watch real time GPS Remote Tracking

We are working very hard to provide new features related to real time GPS Tracking on platform Our ambitious goal to have fully support of new types of the…

Responsive Web design

Today we have completed the first part of the spysat main page modifications. The aim of the work is to adapt the format to mobile devices (responsive version) In some…

How GPS can help us keep safe on the road?

In today’s world , where technology is capable of such severity that has an impact on virtually every aspect of daily life, it does not seem strange phenomenon that most…

GPS in phones – basic informations

Global Positioning System (GPS) – GPS- NAVSTAR properly (Global Positioning System – NAVigation Signal Timing And Ranging ) – one of the satellite navigation systems , created by the U.S.…

Welcome to SpySat official blog

Welcome to SpySat blog. This site was created to help you understand what spysat is and discuss new features of our service.